AFC Industries exhibited at NVSBA in Nashville, Tennessee. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Veterans Small Business Engagement (NVSBE) is a premier event. The largest federal procurement event of its kind, NVSBE enables business networking between procurement-ready suppliers and buyers (also known as Procurement Decision Makers (PDMs)).
This year’s event focused on procurement opportunities pertaining to: Information Technology, Medical Supplies, and Service, Specialty Supplies and Services. This yearly, large-scale, multi-day event provides participants access to nationwide, procurement opportunities through hundreds of tailored, scheduled activities.
AFC Industries looks forward to attending this show again next in 2023/4 and we will be participating in several DAP roadshows along the way.
This year we will be attending VA DAP Shows in the following cities; White River junction, Vermont – Manhattan & Brooklyn, New York – Albany & Syracuse, New York – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Richmond, Virginia – Manhattan & Brooklyn, New York.